A typical scenario that proves child support orders protect non-custodial (NCPs) is when the NCP insists on foregoing a child support order in order to provide direct support to the Custodial Parent (CP) for their child(ren), only to later have that CP visit a state child support office and allege that the NCP provided no direct support. While an NCP may overcome such an allegation by producing receipts, bank statements, etc., he is not guaranteed to be successful. Common sense tells me that for non-cohabiting parents, it is safer for the NCP to voluntarily abide by a child support order than to risk being labeled a dead-beat by an ex. The risk is often more costly in the end than starting off right with an order. Child support offices and courts dislike he-said-she-said disputes where the truth lies somewhere in the middle. If you’re an NCP, protect yourself, know your rights and get a child support court order. Visit your local child support office and/or hire an attorney to proactively defend against potential allegations of nonsupport from the other parent. I have seen an increase in NCP-based applications to state child support offices. I don’t believe these applications are only from guys who place themselves on child support so they can have visitation rights. I think there are also from parents who want to support their children through a court order and parenting rights so the other parent cannot claim they received little or no support. If non-cohabiting parents have an amicable co-parenting relationship that permits effective private support, great! However, uch parents (especially the NCP) should just be mindful of the risks in the event co-parenting relationship ever breaks down.