Downloading Your Texas Child Support Pay History and Balance from the Attorney General’s Website

Texas family lawyers and family courts commonly need to refer to child support payments made by obligors. This can be when confirming back child support judgements and/or when enforcing unpaid support with contempt. The Financial Activity Report, also commonly called a FINA12 inside the AG, contains all transactions in the case’s history and ends with official balances. Both parents can download their report from the AG’s website. Just follow these prompts outlined in this YouTube video from the Texas AG Child Support Division and visit the child support website TexasAttorneyGeneral.Gov/child-support to get started.

Things to Remember

Note, the report can be tricky to understand, such as how it does not label “interest,” when interest is part of the report after missed-payments add up. Also, the report may not be accurate if direct payments were made to the obligee and not reported to the Texas SDU. Finally, this is just one type of report, although the most popular type used in Courts. Simpler reports that just list a record of payments made do exist, as do compliance reports that show how the obligor complied with the court’s payment order when he’s been given 2nd chances, such as being placed on community supervision. If you have a question on understanding your Financial Activity Report, consult an attorney, like booking me online. If you have problems getting the download to happen, the AG and SDU are just a phone call away at 1800-252-8014 or visit their Contact Us page.

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