Child Support Law Acronyms

A quick helpful list of common child support related terms one hears in the IV-D Child Support world.

ACF-=Administration for Children and Families

AAG=Assistant Attorney General

AOP= Acknowledgment of Paternity

BOW=Born out of wedlock

BVS=Bureau Vital Statistics

CCPA=Consumer Credit Protection Act

CEJ= Continuing Education Jurisdiction

CP= Custodial parent

CSD=Child Support Division

CSE=Child Support Enforcement Agency

CSO= Child Support Officer

CSRP= Child Support Review Process negotiation conference

DFPS= TX Department of Family Protective Services

DOR= Dept. of Revenue (of Florida, etc.)

DRO-=Domestic Relations Office

EFT=Electronic Funds Transfer

FCR-Federal Case Registry

FDIM-Financial Institution Data Match

FPLS=Federal Parent Locator Service

ICDR= Interstate Central Division

IV-D= Title section of the US Social Security Act law discussing child support; as in IV-D Court, IV-D Agency, etc.

JMC=Joint Managing Conservator(s)

NCP= noncustodial parent

OAG/AG=Office of the Attorney General (of Texas, etc.)/Attorney General

OCSE=Office of Child Support Enforcement

SAPCR=Suit Affective Child-Parent Child Relationship

SPLS=State Parent Locator Service

SPO= Standard Possession Order

SDU=State disbursement unit

SSI= Supplemental Security Income

SSDI=Social Security Disability Insurance

TANF=Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

TWC=Texas Workforce Commission

UIFSA= federal law on interstate child support cases

URESA=Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act

WOS=Waiver of Service

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