Texas Child Support Drivers License Suspension

Texas’ license suspension rules are pretty straightforward: Under TFC 232.003, if you are behind in child support for 3 or more months, and were given an opportunity to catch up but failed, a court or the IV-D Agency may order the suspension of your licenses or permits. The state has the authority to cease various kinds of licenses, including drivers, law, medical, gaming, fishing, teaching plumbing, etc. licenses.
Because an NCP has a property interest in her state-issued license, she is entitled to notice of the state’s intention to suspend her license. The notice received should provide her with at least the license/permit type, its number, and the licensing authority.

Once she receives notice, she should verify that the information contained in the letter is correct (there’s always the chance of mistaken identity). She should note and calendar any deadlines.


Options for resolving a license suspension threat may range from as quick as just paying off the negative balance to as exhaustive as hiring an attorney to contest the suspension threat, it all depends on the set of facts. One option of course is not doing anything! But good luck with that. Letting one’s license get suspended has serious negative consequences, the least of which is a long appeals process that may be necessary to unsuspend a license.
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